User Management
Every digital identity can be stored in users.
There are following actions:
- Users
- User Registration
- User Password
- User Permissions
- User Roles
- User Groups
- User Identities
- User Block/Unblock
- User Grants
Create User​
Create an user
- JavaScript
Get users​
Retrieve filtered list of users.
- JavaScript
Get user​
Retrieve user details.
- JavaScript
User Registration​
Aircampi Auth provides the infrastructure to store your users by default.
Sign Up​
Given a user's credentials, this endpoint will create a new user using active authentication.
- JavaScript
User Password​
this topic describes different ways to change the password for a user in user store.
- JavaScript
Reset password​
Reset user's password without current password.
- JavaScript
Change password​
If user wants to change current password, the user must use current password and update:current_user permission.
- JavaScript
User Permissions​
Grant or revoke permissions to/from user.
Get user permissions​
Get user permissions
- JavaScript
Add permissions to an user​
Add permissions to an user
- JavaScript
Remove permissions from an user​
Remove permissions from an user
- JavaScript
User Roles​
Grant or revoke roles to/from user.
Get user roles​
Get user roles
- JavaScript
Add an user to roles​
Add an user to roles
- JavaScript
Remove an user from roles​
Remove an user from roles
- JavaScript
User Groups​
Assign or remove group membership for user
Get user groups​
Get user groups
- JavaScript
Add an user to groups​
Add an user to groups
- JavaScript
Remove an user from groups​
Remove an user from groups
- JavaScript
User Identities​
Manage user identities.
Get user's identities​
Get user's identities
- JavaScript
Link an user identity​
Link two user accounts together forming a primary and secondary relationship.
- JavaScript
Unlink an user identity​
Unlink an user identity
- JavaScript
User Block/Unblock​
Block or unblock users
Block list of users​
Block list of users
- JavaScript
Unblock list of users​
Unblock list of users
- JavaScript
Block an user​
Block an user
- JavaScript
Unblock an user​
Unblock an user
- JavaScript
User Grants​
Retrieve and delete the grants associated with your account.
Get user's grants​
Retrieve grants associated user account.
- JavaScript
Delete user grants​
Delete grants associated with your account.
- JavaScript
Get user's grant scopes​
Retrieve grant scopes associated user account.
- JavaScript